Background design

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Spring Break...hanging out!!

So mom had Friday off of work so that she could have a fun spring break...then we had a blizzard and we didn't really get to go anywhere...good thing we are so creative. We found a way to still have fun...even while mom was at school on Saturday. Malachi wasn't feeling very well, so Zoey got to take me outside and play. She didn't knock me over, but she did chase me around:) It is so fun to play outside!!

Nya and I got to play is a Sam's club was so fun!! I pushed Nya out a couple of times, but then daddy brought us each a pile of books to read and it was fun again.

Malachi and Nya spent some time cuddling on the couch.

Nya really started to crawl around. She is getting so fast. She even escaped from the living room and invaded my room before I noticed that she was gone. Mommy caught her and brought her back. I don't think I like it that Nya can crawl.

We all got milk mustaches... what a nice weekend!

This wasn't from this weekend, but mommy thought it was cute when she stayed home with me when I didn't feel very good, and then we got to finger paint...once I started feeling better of course.

1 comment:

Eli Cole said...

I miss you guys!!!